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What's The Best Yard & Garden Power Equipment ?

When it comes to Lawn Care Products, two words stand out


Quality can deliver convenience in two ways. First, it ensures

you will rarely be inconvenienced by poor performance and disappointing results. Second, the latest in yard equipment, designed to keep your yard looking like the best on the block, rely on state-of-the art technology and lead my list of recommendations.

I personally own and enjoy using everyone of the EGO products listed below. Each is engineered to give you



It's all due to the incredible design of EGO's power supply.

The Ulta Powerful

EGO 56Volt

Lithium-Ion Battery 

2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 Ah* Models

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Volts are the Power Level.

Amp Hours are akin to

Fuel Capacity in these

mighty batteries

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EGO Battery Powered Lawn Mower

21in. Self-Propelled 56V

Single 7.5 Ah Battery

Has everything but a cup holder !

EGO Battery Powered String Trimmer

Carbon Fiber Shaft. Push Button Re-String. 2.5 Ah Battery

Push Button string reloading.

No more string loading hassles!

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EGO Battery Powered Blower

Strong Air Flow, With Strong Turbo Boost.  2.5 Ah Battery.

Moves heaps of leaves. Blast 'em out of shrubbery with a blast

from the Turbo Button.

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EGO Battery Powered Hedge Trimmer

22 in. Cutting Bar  2.5 Ah Battery. Blade cover.

This hedger is a Beast! Took out my Blackberry bushes!


EGO Battery Powered Chain Saw

16 in. Cutting Bar  5.0 Ah Battery.

Very quiet. No mixing fuel. No smelly gas fumes.

Don't forget the Bar Lube Oil. Replacement chain available.  

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Buy "Bare Tool" and SAVE !

Each of these EGO Yard Tools is available as a "Bare Tool", meaning

it ships WITHOUT a battery and charger, for less cost than a full set.

I suggest after you have purchased any two full sets

( tool + battery + charger ) you consider ordering the rest as bare tools and save considerably on the price for the remain tools purchased.

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Buy "Bare Tool" and SAVE !

Each of these EGO Yard Tools is available as a "Bare Tool", meaning

it ships WITHOUT a battery and charger, for less cost than a full set.

I suggest after you have purchased any two full sets

( tool + battery + charger ) you consider ordering the rest as bare tools and save considerably on the price for the remaining tools purchased.

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Buy " Bare Tool " and SAVE !

Each of these EGO Yard Tools is available as a "Bare Tool", meaning it ships WITHOUT a battery and charger, for less cost than a full set. I suggest after you have purchased any two full sets ( tool + battery + charger ) you consider ordering the rest as bare tools and save considerably on the price for the remaining tools purchased.

Can't quite make the leap to a battery powered self-propelled lawn mower? Still have your heart set on good old gasoline powered mower? That's OK. But, I strongly encourage you to purchase a QUALITY mower from the HONDA line of superior gas powered

walk behind residential mowers. 

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Reliable Honda GCV160cc Auto Choke Engine

Variable Speed Smart Drive System

Mulch, Bag and Discharge With Turn Of A Lever

Don't forget to protect your gas with a fuel stabilizer.  

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Time Honored, Machined Quality !

When I was a teenager, all gas powered lawn mowers were 2 cycle (gas/oil mix). In the early 60s Mr. Honda perfected the 4 cycle small engine, and Honda engines have been the leader ever since. In addition to 50+ years of engine perfection, your Honda Lawn Mower will sport ball bearing, metal geared wheels, a deck that creates a perfect vortex suspending the clippings to be minced fine by the standard FOUR cutting blades. Service is a snap with dip stick oil fill, easy to remove air filter cover, and a special valve to turn off fuel to the carburetor between mowings.



Effective For Treating All Ethanol Blended Gasolines

Stored In Gas Cans or Fuel Tanks for Extended Periods.

STA_BIL sets the standard for fuel protection. 

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